Wednesday, 30 April 2014


The other day I was talking to a friend of mine who lives in the States. We’ve been friends for four years now but never had a chance to meet in person. Well she has her life there, a comfortable one working as a chef. Akriti wanted me to come visit her but since I couldn't, she was like, " Your reasons better be good”!
Come on, I mean visit a friend in the States, seriously? It isn't that easy, is it? And then a very common dialogue, which I had to hear my whole life and the one that always makes me cringe, was blurted out. I could sense that coming. I was like- "Don't say that, don't say that... and there- "Amamama Chief Minister ko chori USA pani awnu na sakeko?" (A CM’s daughter can’t afford a trip to the States?). Zip it!!

Most of my family members have had to live our life listening to this kind of remarks and tolerate speculation. Even when we  live a very simple life, we are somewhat forced to live the life of people's imagination simply because they wouldn't believe it. I am amazed  at how human mind can go to that extend  where they create false image and also believe  like it was the truth.  

Anyway I thought what could be better than posting something people always assumed when the case is quite different. So enjoy :P :P

  1. This is what people think my bedroom looks like

  How it actually looks like.. I am joking.. scroll down

This is what my bedroom looks like. I am not that typical woman who decorates room with ornaments or any show pieces. My bedroom is a place where I paint and also teach kids.

2.  This is what people think I have......................................................

This is what I actually have- An empty wallet.. :P { I know what you are thinking. Even if it's the truth, I guarantee nobody will believe it. }

3. This is where people think I shop. ( Never in my life I have laid my foot here). 

This is where I really shop. Anything I can get my hands on that fits and it's ok. 

4. What people think about my attitude as a daughter of CM

How I actually am... hahah :P

What people think happens...................................

What actually happens... hahaha :P

I could go on and on but I think this is enough for today :). 

Thank u for dropping by :)

P.S: When I first started this , I wanted to write something else but this turned out to be a fun post :). I hope u enjoyed it. I would like to advice my readers not to make any issue out of this. It is totally personal. Please do not make it political. Thank You.. 

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Sunday, 27 April 2014

The life that rolled backward...

There I was in September,  looking outside the window of my new apartment somewhere in 60, The Vale, physically and emotionally. From outside I probably looked excited to be in a new place, but to me, on the inside, I was gloomy. 

I stood there wondering where am I to start?  It was all new to me. Where I was supposed to be was now a place I would never ever lay my foot on and here I was. New faces and new place. 

I felt a temporary relief for few minutes that I was lucky to start a new life but somehow my past pulled me right back to reality that new beginning don't erase an old past. I welled up.

I questioned myself, why this pain? It was my decision to leave everything behind and start fresh, then why this sorrow?

I gathered myself and made up my mind that the past was not going to hold me back and I was getting everything I had set out to achieve!

It was windy and my bags unpacked. I looked around the room. A  thick old curtains which probably belonged to 1980's partly hung from the window. I murmured to myself, " Great! like my life, cannot be fixed, cannot be unseen." I began unpacking but I was distracted by the silence. It was all different to me. No more people discussing my life and I had no more to laugh to suppress the pain. This was it! This was something I had waited for a very very long time.. Suddenly  happiness engulfed me and I smiled away..   Now there was no more looking back . I felt freedom.

On the one hand, I wanted to be true to the intentions I put together for myself in 2013 . But in order to be true to myself, I had to let go of everything.

I spent rest of the month trying to figure my way to College and back to my room. My sister who was also new to the area,shifted to the same house from Hertfordshire, accompanied me 2 days in a row to college. It felt like a puzzle to me. A month back, I was in India trying to sort my life and here I was now, passing through the crowds in Oxford Street in London.

As I walked past the Selfridges, I saw the big sign that said Happiness is coming. It was actually a hoarding for Christmas but it so felt like as though it was sending me some message. I smiled because It made me happy and I knew that I would accept every little happiness that came my way, never to look back again..