Wednesday, 30 April 2014


The other day I was talking to a friend of mine who lives in the States. We’ve been friends for four years now but never had a chance to meet in person. Well she has her life there, a comfortable one working as a chef. Akriti wanted me to come visit her but since I couldn't, she was like, " Your reasons better be good”!
Come on, I mean visit a friend in the States, seriously? It isn't that easy, is it? And then a very common dialogue, which I had to hear my whole life and the one that always makes me cringe, was blurted out. I could sense that coming. I was like- "Don't say that, don't say that... and there- "Amamama Chief Minister ko chori USA pani awnu na sakeko?" (A CM’s daughter can’t afford a trip to the States?). Zip it!!

Most of my family members have had to live our life listening to this kind of remarks and tolerate speculation. Even when we  live a very simple life, we are somewhat forced to live the life of people's imagination simply because they wouldn't believe it. I am amazed  at how human mind can go to that extend  where they create false image and also believe  like it was the truth.  

Anyway I thought what could be better than posting something people always assumed when the case is quite different. So enjoy :P :P

  1. This is what people think my bedroom looks like

  How it actually looks like.. I am joking.. scroll down

This is what my bedroom looks like. I am not that typical woman who decorates room with ornaments or any show pieces. My bedroom is a place where I paint and also teach kids.

2.  This is what people think I have......................................................

This is what I actually have- An empty wallet.. :P { I know what you are thinking. Even if it's the truth, I guarantee nobody will believe it. }

3. This is where people think I shop. ( Never in my life I have laid my foot here). 

This is where I really shop. Anything I can get my hands on that fits and it's ok. 

4. What people think about my attitude as a daughter of CM

How I actually am... hahah :P

What people think happens...................................

What actually happens... hahaha :P

I could go on and on but I think this is enough for today :). 

Thank u for dropping by :)

P.S: When I first started this , I wanted to write something else but this turned out to be a fun post :). I hope u enjoyed it. I would like to advice my readers not to make any issue out of this. It is totally personal. Please do not make it political. Thank You.. 


  1. Hahha very insightful !! Made be chuckle.

  2. Cute Post. My genuine Reactions were like
    For 1. Hehe nice (was nearly an aww moment)
    For 2. Ummm cum on Liar , not empty please :P
    For 3. Can be Cannot be true
    For 4. haha Hilarious (this one was the best for me)
    For 5. Hehe been there
    Keep writing di.

    1. Firstly thank u for ur precious comment. See this is what the post is about.. It's the truth. Okay not 100% but ya it is somewhat. And for 3. I have never ever laid my foot on any of them.. Seriously speaking.. :p

    2. Ya I could sense most of it was true other than the wallet :P . And if u haven't laid ur foot on any (which I am still not sure of :P) I hope u reach there after becoming a famous designer urself or to shop with ur own money. God Bless. Hope to read more. Cheers !!

    3. Ok not really empty, I surrender. haha.. And Thank You for your wishes. :). God bless you too sweetheart.. :)

  3. The pros and cons of being a CM's daughter. I am starting my blog soon after seeing your blog. always an inspiration.

    1. Are u?. Wow!. I cant wait... Miss u .. muahhh,

    2. Reshma di I am inspired too hehe ... but cudnt think of where to start so I went out to eat :P

  4. Enjoyable read this post has been and I totally feel you. Lol
    Keep it up Mailee! :P

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
